The current platforms are supported :

    • Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7
    • Apple OS X
    • Linux
    • Unix, freeBSD, netBSD, openBSD, BSD/OS, tru64 Unix
    • Debian
    • OS/2 WARP
    • GNU OS


Professional support
from the core developers

Our core team provide comprehensive support plans as well as encompass bug fixes, problem support, and developer assistance. You get straight contact to our experts. By our professional support plans you have the confidence of being able to depend on us to get you running and keep you running - saving you time and avoiding downtime. Bug fixes and patches can be delivered to you directly and will also be incorporated in future versions of the product - so you can rely your issues staying fixed.


We also provide individual solutions especially for your need.


Your satisfaction, our priority


It is much better to look at whether the software can be made to have the functionality you require. Care2x is written in PHP what makes it quite easy for anyone to find local companies or developer to continue the development for any need. Personal preferences for software
engineering practices depend very much on where and when that person
was educated and its background. We provide professional assitance for your local developers to generate new modules for hospital information system (HIS) as well as medical recording systems (MRS).


Choose our professional support when you need:


  • Remote design,
  • development or
  • deployment assistance

    with any component of care2x.

    Configuration assistance or help resolving a performance bottleneck.
    Bug fixes that must be addressed quickly and patches that must be automatically rolled into future product releases.
    Assistance upgrading from one version to another
    Support with rapid response times for business-critical applications.
    Alerts about relevant bug fixes and patches, security holes, optimization tips, and more.

    For more information

    For more information about our services and to discuss a business relationship please use the Contact Form and ask for someone to contact you at your earliest convenience.

# Intranet cameras. This is an extra module that enables the intranet to be utilized as a network wide security surveillance system. By attaching webcams to workstations, a camera surveillance system can be built without installing video cables or expensive camera infrastructure. Currently, the module can monitor 4 cameras. Future versions will enable the user to configure the number of cameras and select the area monitored by each camera.

# When the user logs in, the workstation will use the user's prefered configuration. The user can directly access a module where he has an access right.

# The workstation can be given an identity (workstation values e.g. nursing ward, clinic, phone/intercom number, etc.). These values will be automatically inserted into appropriate field entries within forms and tables.

# 'Quickies'. There are quick lists, quick options, quick address, quickviews in several modules. These 'quickies' enable the user to complete data with minimum number of mouse clicks.

# Smart quicklist. The list in a smart quicklist is dynamic. The information is sorted according to the usage frequency with the most often used information appearing on top of the list. The list is continously updated with relevant information entered by the user in forms and tables.

# One key shortcuts. Entering the key "t" or "T" in a date entry field will automatically produce the current date. Similarly, entering "y" or "Y" will produce the yesterday's date. Entering "n" or "N" in a time entry field will automatically produce the current time.

# Online editor and submitter. The user with an access right to the editor can write news, cafeteria menus, prices and other articles and submit them online.

# Multifunction calendar. This calendar serves as a channel for quick date dependent access to different functions.